Choosing the Amusing – Marilyn Meberg

Choosing the Amusing by Marilyn Meberg

Published in 1999 by W Publishing Group

ISBN 0-8499-3744-2

When was the last time you laughed till your sides hurt?  Get ready because it’s about to happen again.

What difference does it make whether you laugh or don’t laugh?  In Marilyn Meberg’s view, laughter makes all the difference in the world.  Laughter lifts the spirit, cheers the heart, and clears the mind.  So important is laughter that she proposes a “Laughter Lifestyle,” and while she makes her case, you find yourself smiling at her unexpected ideas, chuckling over her madcap experiences, and finally roaring with laughter as you read and reread her outrageous personal stories.

I found this in the local op shop and it sounded like the light and easy read that I could do with right now.  It wasn’t until I got home that I also discovered it was Christian based (which doesn’t worry me in the least).

Laughter is the best medicine, and it has been scientifically proven to be so.  It releases “feel good” endorphins into the brain, which help you to feel better.  But Marilyn goes a step further and states that you need to constantly look for laughter, whether it be through funny situations, or just acting like a child (which she is fully supportive of, and acts from some of the stories in the book).

As adults, we tend to find life a bit too serious, and I know that I suffer from this.  But there is nothing like knowing that Funniest Home Videos is on everyday from 5pm until 5:30pm, and I can get a full belly laugh which sets me up for the rest of the night.

Humour lightens the load, you feel relaxed, calm and restored when you have a good laugh.  When we don’t laugh, we feel undervalues, we aren’t heard and we aren’t real.

This book has some very amusing anecdotes and stories as well as explaining why you need to find humour in your every day life.

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