Cover Reveal – Retribution by T G Ayer

RetributionOne of my favourite authors has a new book coming out in March.  The Cover is just DIVINE!  Can’t wait to get my hands on this one.

Chronicles of the Irin #1
T.G. Ayer
Expected release date: 14th March 2014

Her name is Evangeline and she is Nephilim.

Evie belongs to the Brotherhood Irin and together with all the other Nephilim of the world she is protector to humanity, protector against evil. But evil has found its way into the Brotherhood. Someone has murdered her guardian and Marcellus, the New Master makes demands of the warriors that go against all they stand for. Demands Evie just can’t carry out.

Evie uncovers Marcellus’ plan to collect a set of special seals, but when a high-level demon reveals the truth behind the Seals of Hades, Evie know there is no way she can allow the Master of the Irin to get his hands on them. But will keeping the Seals from Marcellus cause her to sacrifice more that she should? Will vengeance for her guardian’s death be enough or will she need more to satisfy her Immortal soul?

T G Ayer – Valkyrie Series New Cover Reveals


Dead Radiance, Dead Embers, Dead Chaos  by T.G. Ayer
(Valkyrie #1-3)
Genres: Urban Fantasy, Young Adult


Valkyrie Bryn Halbrook is broken and damaged…Struggling to accept the loss of her wings, Bryn’s not sure if she can be a real Valkyrie anymore. But when a mysterious prophecy claims she will be the reason the All-Father dies, she is determined to ensure the prediction will not come to pass.

A visit to the three fates who live beneath the great Tree of life, sends Bryn racing against time to find the missing Heimdall and his horn. As Odin’s life hangs in the balance and Ragnarok draws ever closer, Bryn has to find a way to save Heimdall and Odin before she can discover the truth about who she really is.

In the thrilling conclusion of the Valkyrie series Bryn must battle not only the formidable frost giants and the hated God Loki, but she must also find a balance between what she will lose and what she will gain.

Valkyrie series
TGI have been a writer from the time I was old enough to recognise that reading was a doorway into my imagination. Poetry was my first foray into the art of the written word. Books were my best friends, my escape, my haven. I am essentially a recluse but this part of my personality is impossible to practise given I have two teenage daughters, who are actually my friends, my tea-makers, my confidantes… I am blessed with a husband who has left me for golf. It’s a fair trade as I have left him for writing. We are both passionate supporters of each others loves – it works wonderfully…My heart is currently broken in two. One half resides in South Africa where my old roots still remain, and my heart still longs for the endless beaches and the smell of moist soil after a summer downpour. My love for Ma Afrika will never fade. The other half of me has been transplanted to the Land of the Long White Cloud. The land of the Taniwha, beautiful Maraes, and volcanoes. The land of green, pure beauty that truly inspires. And because I am so torn between these two lands – I shall forever remain crosseyed.

Author links:


Elements Trilogy – Melissa Pearl

Author Melissa Pearl thought that her Elements Trilogy books could use a makeover… So she asked Kelly Waker from to help her do just that! Check out the awesome results below!


 One prophecy…Two seekers…A journey into the UNKNOWN.

Darkness is covering the land. As the city of Mezrah grows with power and greed, the rest of the world can only stand by and wait for their inevitable destruction. The only hope against this growing power is an ancient prophecy that people have stopped believing in.
Then a star begins to fall.
Princess Kyla of Taramon stopped trusting in the power of light the day her father died. Trapped in a city she does not care for, under the watchful glare of her mother, the queen, she struggles to accept her fate.
Then a star begins to fall.
Jethro has loved Kyla for as long as he can remember. Learning that she was to marry his cousin drove a wedge between him and the feisty princess. Watching her from a distance is a torture he is unable to free himself from.

Then a star begins to fall, sparking an ember of hope and sending these two seekers on a treacherous journey into the unknown.

Purchase Link: AMAZON


It’s hard to trust when the truth is hidden in the UNSEEN.


Danger surrounds the Seekers. Having already faced overwhelming odds, Kyla and Jethro discover it is only the beginning. Now they must face the power of nature itself.

Each day is a test of faith.

Two elements remain undiscovered. The light is yet to be resurrected. Dark forces prepare to descend upon the heroes of prophecy and they have one more power they must over come…their forbidden love for each other.

Each moment is a test of loyalty and courage.

In Taramon, Athra faces his own demons as he frets over the safety of his fiancée while trying to counter a dark evil that is brought to his doorstep. Treachery lurks in the shadows, forcing the future king into an action that could destroy his beloved city.

Through it all, they must cling to the truths hidden in the unseen.

Purchase Link: AMAZON


 A furious light is about to be UNLEASHED.


The prophecy has failed. As Athra lies in the dungeons of Taramon with his defeated army, this is all he can believe. His city has been torn apart. He has failed his people and all that awaits him is an agonising death.
But the light has been found.
Ashan and his dark army proceed in gloating triumph. Safeer heads to Mezrah with Taramon’s women and children, while the rest of his men remain in the northern city, forcing their prisoners to tear it down stone by stone.
But two sparks have been ignited.
Kyla and Jethro learn of Taramon’s demise and, with the children, formulate a plan to rescue their people and bring an end to the overpowering darkness. It will take all their strength and every ounce of faith they possess…
But a furious light is about to be unleashed.
Purchase Link: AMAZON
And to celebrate this new reveal, I’m having a one day sale. All three books for only 99c each!!

The Elements Trilogy – by Melissa Pearl

Elements Three covers



The Elements Series: Unknown, Unseen, and Unleashed by Melissa Pearl

Release dates: Unknown – June 2013, Unseen – July 2013, Unleashed – August 2013

Age Group: Young Adult

Genre: Fantasy Romance

Tour organized by: AToMR Tours

Some Interesting Facts about the Elements Trilogy by Melissa Pearl

The trilogy took me 6 months to write. I made sure all the first drafts were finished before publishing the first book, just in case I wanted to add anything into the first book. I totally did so I’m really glad I held off publishing straight away.

There are four cities in the Elements World. The northern city (Taramon) is based on an English medieval type city, the eastern City (Mezrah) has an eastern/Asian/Indian feel to it, the southern city (Doran) has a Scandinavian flair and the western city (Ravma) is now an army base for King Ashan’s army.

Most of the names in the book (characters and places) were derived from Hebrew and Arabic words that I adapted. For example – the Hebrew word for fire is ‘esh’. So I named the fire element, Eshron. It was fun coming up with all the names 🙂

Raquel (introduced in Unseen) was never planned. She appeared when I was writing the second chapter of Unseen and became a key character in Unseen and Unleashed. The same thing happened with Bordor and Nafeez. I love surprises like that.

Some of the bad characters actually became my favourite to write. Safeer was far more complex than I originally intended and I grew to really like him. Although he is a greedy, arrogant soul, he still has a heart and I enjoyed discovering his humanity.

Levi, Jethro’s younger brother, is named after my first nephew – a ten-year-old boy with a passion for storytelling.

Never did I imagine writing a fantasy trilogy. This series came to me as a complete surprise, but was so mind consuming that I had to write it straight away just to get it out of my system. I’m confident in saying this will be a one-off thing for me. I’ll return to the comfort of contemporary/paranormal romance now, but will forever remain proud of myself for pulling this off.

Writing the sword fighting and battle scenes presented a big challenge. I really wanted them to be realistic, although still maintain some magical elements. I spent a fair amount of time researching the art of sword fighting and watching some great duals on YouTube. Rob Roy, Lord of the Rings and First Knight came in very handy.

Throughout the writing of this trilogy I had pictures of actors that reminded me of my characters. It was great having the visual aides on my wall and made the characters so much more real somehow. If you want to see them, you can check out my Pinterest board.

My favourite creatures from this trilogy were the dragons and I fell in love with Flynt. He is just plain cute and if I could ever own a pet dragon, I’d want him.

The books


Darkness is covering the land. As the city of Mezrah grows with power and greed, the rest of the world can only stand by and wait for their inevitable destruction. The only hope against this growing power is an ancient prophecy that people have stopped believing in.

Then a star begins to fall.

Princess Kyla of Taramon stopped believing in the power of light the day her father died. Trapped in a city she does not care for, under the watchful glare of her mother, the queen, she struggles to accept her fate.

Then a star begins to fall.

Jethro has loved Kyla for as long as he can remember. Learning that she was to marry his cousin drove a wedge between him and the feisty princess. Watching her from a distance is a torture he is unable to free himself from.

Then a star begins to fall, sparking an ember of hope and sending two seekers on a treacherous journey into the unknown.

Purchase Unknown through Amazon – Smashwords –  Barnes and Noble – iTunes 


UnseensmallDanger surrounds the Seekers. Having already faced overwhelming odds, Kyla and Jethro discover it is only the beginning. Now they must face the power of nature itself.

Each day is a test of faith.

Two elements remain undiscovered. The light is yet to be resurrected. Dark forces prepare to descend upon the heroes of prophecy and they have one more power they must over come…their forbidden love for each other.

Each moment is a test of loyalty and courage.

In Taramon, Athra faces his own demons as he frets over the safety of his fiancée while trying to counter a dark evil that is brought to his doorstep. Treachery lurks in the shadows, forcing the future king into an action that could destroy his beloved city.

Through it all, they must cling to the truths hidden in the unseen.

Purchase Unseen through Amazon –  Smashwords –  Barnes and Noble

unleashed 5by8Unleashed

The prophecy has failed. As Athra lies in the dungeons of Taramon with his defeated army, this is all he can believe. His city has been torn apart. He has failed his people and all that awaits him is an agonising death.

But the light has been found.

Ashan and his dark army proceed in gloating triumph. Safeer heads to Mezrah with Taramon’s women and children, while the rest of his men remain in the northern city, forcing their prisoners to tear it down stone by stone.

But two sparks have been ignited.

Kyla and Jethro learn of Taramon’s demise and, with the children, formulate a plan to rescue their people and bring an end to the overpowering darkness. It will take all their strength and every ounce of faith they possess…

But a furious light is about to be unleashed.

Purchase Unleashed through Amazon –  Smashwords –  Barnes and Noble

About the Author

Melissa Pearl was born in Auckland, New Zealand, but has spent much of her life abroad, living in countries such as Jordan, Cyprus and Pakistan… not to mention a nine month road trip around North America with her husband. “Best. Year. Ever!!” She now lives in China with her husband and two sons. She is a trained elementary teacher, but writing is her passion. Since becoming a full time mother she has had the opportunity to pursue this dream and her debut novel hit the internet in November 2011. Since then she has produced four more books and has a YA fantasy trilogy coming out this year. Unknown and Unseen (The Elements Trilogy) out now!
“I am passionate about writing. It stirs a fire in my soul that I never knew I had. I want to be the best writer I can possibly be and transport my readers into another world where they can laugh, cry and fall in love.”

Author Social Media Links:

Facebook Author Page
Blogs: Melissa Pearl and YAlicious
Amazon Author Page
Goodreads Author Page
Smashwords Author Page
Newsletter subscription

Tour Giveaway:

(3) eBook sets of the complete series – Smashwords coupon code (International) with an approx. value = $27.00 (USD)

Enter through a Rafflecopter giveaway

You can follow the tour to see reviews, guest posts, and excerpts by clicking on the Elements Trilogy Blog Tour



Fire by T G Ayer

I did the cover reveal for Fire back on 30th June for this Novel and I have since had the chance to read this novel.  (Isn’t it an amazing cover!)

Fire Front Cover aNormal people sneak out to a party and have fun. Maya Rao ends the evening by incinerating the guy who attacks her.

Nik Lucas, sexy, new in town and totally forbidden, happens to walk in on her. Normal guys would run for the hills. Nik knows a whole lot more than he’s telling.

Maya doesn’t believe the gods are real, doesn’t waste her time with mere mythology. But when gods, demons and hellhound’s become the new normal and wielding fire becomes her new skill, she must decide what it is she really believes.

Can Maya accept that normal is something she will never be because it isn’t normal to be …the Hand of Kali.

T G Ayer is Indian by birth, and has decided to make a foray into her own history and religions to come up with this wonderful story of Fire.  

Maya is a character with guts.  Her parents have stepped outside of their norm and have trained her in hand to hand combat, something most Hindu families don’t believe in; Women are commodities to be traded for marriage goods.  Maya in the reincarnation of Kali, and therefore must fulfil her obligations to the gods and goddesses.   That is why her parents have prepared her, and they have prepared her well.

Nik Lucas, who is a white guy who casually turns up and has the hots for Maya turns out to be very helpful, especially when it turns out he is the son of a god.  From Earth to Hell and back.

Between Nik, Maya and Maya’s friend Jess, they manage to fight against demons and survive long enough to tell the tale.

If you are looking for a story about gods and goddesses, humans and the realms in between, then this is a story for you.

Cover Reveal – Fire by T G Ayer

Fire Front Cover aFire from the Hand of Kali series is the latest Young Adult Urban Fantasty offering from T G Ayer, who is fast becoming a prolific writer.  Here is the blurb:

Normal people sneak out to a party and have fun. Maya Rao ends the evening by incinerating the guy who attacks her.

Nik Lucas, sexy, new in town and totally forbidden, happens to walk in on her. Normal guys would run for the hills. Nik knows a whole lot more than he’s telling.

Maya doesn’t believe the gods are real, doesn’t waste her time with mere mythology. But when gods, demons and hellhound’s become the new normal and wielding fire becomes her new skill, she must decide what it is she really believes.

Can Maya accept that normal is something she will never be because it isn’t normal to be …the Hand of Kali.

Fear spun Maya around on stricken feet. To defend her back perhaps. She just felt less vulnerable facing her attacker, where she could see his next move. He barreled straight at her. And for all her training in martial arts, she did the one thing her dad always said never to do. She ducked her head and hid her face with her hands. Hands out, as if she could fend off this vicious attacker merely with the soft skin of her palms.  

Maya felt the heat before she saw it.

Byron was on fire. A living column of shimmering orange flames. She couldn’t breathe. Was afraid to breathe. How did that happen? She glanced around the bathroom as panic filled her veins, her fear taking on a whole new level of hysteria. She had to put the fire out. She turned to the faucet to fill her hands with water. And froze. In the mirror she saw the burning reflection of Byron disappear. Byron was there one moment and gone the next. Only a few burnt shards of fabric left to say he was ever there. But she remembered the last thing she’d seen before Byron became nothing: brilliant blue eyes turning a frighteningly bloodred.  

And Nik, holding the doorknob, staring at the empty space on the floor behind her.

Find Fire: The Hand of Kali series at Goodreads – add it to your must read shelf, the book will be released in paperback and eBook in July 2013.  Published by Infinite Ink.

I have been a writer from the time I was old enough to recognise that reading was a doorway into my imagination. Poetry was my first foray into the art of the written word. Books were my best friends, my escape, my haven. I am essentially a recluse but this part of my personality is impossible to practise given I have two teenage daughters, who are actually my friends, my teamakers, my confidantes… I am blessed with a husband who has left me for golf. It’s a fair trade as I have left him for writing. We are both passionate supporters of each other’s loves – it
works wonderfully…

My heart is currently broken in two. One half resides in South Africa where my old
roots still remain, and my heart still longs for the endless beaches and the smell of moist soil after a summer downpour. My love for Ma Afrika will never fade. The other half of me has been transplanted to the Land of the Long White Cloud. The land of the Taniwha, beautiful Maraes, and volcanoes. The land of green, pure beauty that truly inspires. And because I am so torn between these two lands – I
shall forever remain cross-eyed.





Email –





Kiss of Snow – Nalini Singh

Published by Berkley Hardcover ISBN-10 0425242099, ISBN-13 978 0425242094

  • Kiss of Snow

Since the moment of her defection from the PsyNet and into the SnowDancer wolf pack, Sienna Lauren has had one weakness. Hawke. Alpha and dangerous, he compels her to madness.

Hawke is used to walking alone, having lost the woman who would’ve been his mate long ago. But Sienna fascinates the primal heart of him, even as he tells himself she is far too young to handle the wild fury of the wolf.

Then Sienna changes the rules and suddenly, there is no more distance, only the most intimate of battles between two people who were never meant to meet. Yet as they strip away each other’s secrets in a storm of raw emotion, they must also ready themselves for a far more vicious fight . . .

A deadly enemy is out to destroy SnowDancer, striking at everything they hold dear, but it is Sienna’s darkest secret that may yet savage the pack that is her home . . . and the alpha who is its heartbeat . . .

Nalini Singh was coming to our writers group to discuss world building.  So I thought I had better read one of her books.  Boy, did I pick a book!

The sexual tension alone had been swearing and cursing at the characters every time there was an interruption, or one of them pulled back.  I screamed at my book, I argued with the characters, I was so sucked into the whole story!

Nalini Singh can write a mean book, and I hope one day I could have half of her talent.

Sienna is fiesty Psy, one with a terminal condition, she could one day “implode” and kill everyone within a 1 mile radius.  What she fails to realise is that the time is coming sooner than she expected.  Sienna was a likeable character, misunderstood and unappreciated by the one man that she wants more than anything else in the world.  While he is attracted to her, he goes out of way to tell her… why?

Hawke doesn’t want a mate, he had one, and she died when he was 10 years old.  So he would never mate with another.  All he can offer Sienna is some pleasure.  I wanted to hate Hawke so much for being so self centred as far as Sienna was concerned, but I got to understand the character and what makes him tick.

On top of that, their small family group of shapeshifters is under attack from a known assailant, who will stop at nothing to obtain the land and wipe out all shapeshifters.

The story is fast paced, tension packed and totally swoon-worthy, and a highly recommended read from me.

Cover Reveal – Ghost Hold by Ripley Patton

As many of you know, Ripley Patton’s first novel, Ghost Hand, is also the first book in a series known as The PSS Chronicles. While Ghost Hand has been getting rave reviews on Amazon and was recently chosen as the June Book of the Month for a Goodreads Book Club with over 1300 members, Ripley has been hard at work writing the second book, Ghost Hold.

Ghost Hold is in the final stages of publication, which will ultimately be funded through the GHOST HOLD KICKSTARTER PROJECT, just as Ghost Hand was funded last year. The current Ghost Hold Kickstarter project was 41% funded in the first week, and when it reaches the halfway mark of $1250, Ripley is going to release the first chapter of the new book to all backers, with more chapters to come later as funding builds.

So, in order to celebrate, and perhaps entice you to back the project and help make Ghost Hold a reality, Ripley is revealing the cover of Ghost Hold this weekend here and all over the internet.



This compelling cover, featuring main characters from the book, Olivia Black, Marcus Jordan, and Passion Wainwright, was designed by Scarlett Rugers Designs of Australia. 

Curious to know what the book is about? Here’s the blurb:

Olivia Black is back.

Only this time she’s not the one in need of rescue.

Samantha James, rich, popular, and an award-winning composer at age seventeen, is the next target on the CAMFers’ list. And in order to convince Samantha to come with them, Olivia and Passion must pose as cousins, blend into the most affluent high school in Indianapolis, and infiltrate a mysterious cult known as The Hold.

Olivia doesn’t expect it to be easy, even with the PSS guys backing them up. But what she discovers over the course of the mission will call into question everything she ever believed about herself, her ghost hand, and especially about Marcus, the guy she is undoubtedly falling in love with.

Be sure and visit Ripley’s Kickstarter Project and let her know what you think of the cover there, or here in the comments. But don’t delay. The project ends July 1st and is the only way to pre-order the book before its September release.

Haven’t read the first book, Ghost Hand, yet? Well you’re in luck. Ripley’s gift to you, 6/14/2013-6/18/2013, Ghost Hand is FREE for Kindle, so please go grab a copy.

Unknown by Melissa Pearl

Melissa Pearl, who brought us Golden Blood, Black Blood and Pure Blood has put her hand at Fantasy and created the Elements Trilogy – the first book is Unknown, with Unseen and Unleashed coming out later this year.

UnknownDarkness is covering the land. As the city of Mezrah grows with power and greed, the rest of the world can only stand by and wait for their inevitable destruction. The only hope against this growing power is an ancient prophecy that people have stopped believing in.

Then a star begins to fall.

Princess Kyla of Taramon stopped believing in the power of light the day her father died. Trapped in a city she does not care for, under the watchful glare of her mother, the queen, she struggles to accept her fate.

Then a star begins to fall.

Jethro has loved Kyla for as long as he can remember. Learning that she was to marry his cousin drove a wedge between him and the feisty princess. Watching her from a distance is a torture he is unable to free himself from.

Then a star begins to fall, sparking an ember of hope and sending two seekers on a treacherous journey into the unknown


“Nikara?” Mordekai poked his head into the room, he saw the small lump in the bed and hurriedly approached his apprentice. “Nikara, my dear.” He shook her shoulder.

She let out a soft groan and turned towards him. “Morning already?”

“No. No.” He shook his head. “Sorry to wake you, but this is of the utmost importance.”

Her wide, slanted eyes looked dry as she gazed at him. He knew she would never have the impudence to consciously show it, but he could sense her reticence.

“Please, child. You must see this.”

Biting her rosebud lips together, she slid out from beneath the covers and took the candle he held out to her. Throwing a robe over her shoulders, Mordekai danced like an excited child as he beckoned her to follow.

Her steps were too sleepy and slow for his liking, and he found himself dragging her through the streets. She knew not to question him before she must and stayed silent throughout the short journey. They reached the top of the stairs and stepped out onto his small perch.

“Mordekai, what are we doing up here?”

He turned away from the inky blackness below and gazed up at the sky. His white teeth beamed through his grey beard. “Look through the telescope.”

Nikara covered her yawn with delicate fingers. “Mordekai…”

“Just look, child.”

She blinked slowly. He knew she didn’t like him calling her child anymore; she was nineteen years of age and quite a beauty. He noticed how men now stopped to glance at her, something he was struggling to adjust to. To him, she would always be the little waif he found bleeding on his doorstep.

He bit his lip as she stepped towards the telescope he had spent hours gazing through. He knew the night sky better than anyone in the city.

Nikara squeezed her left eye tight and peered into the lens.

“Do you see my star?”

Her small fingers swivelled the telescope to the north. “Yes,” she mumbled.

He watched her in agitated silence. Her body was rigid, her fingertips turning white as they pressed against the smooth wood.

Had she noticed? Why wasn’t she saying anything?

Finally unable to bear it, he whispered, “Do you notice—”

“It’s moving.” She glanced up at him, her lips parted. “I thought I was seeing things, but…” She bent down to have another look. “It’s…” Stepping away from the telescope, she leaned against the wall. “Mordekai, is it falling?”

He let out a chuckle. “Look for a diamond glowing in the north, though it falls, it will not fail.” He quoted the second part of the prophecy with a laugh.

“What does that mean?”

“It means I was right. The diamond of the prophecy is not the crystal in Taramon Tower. It is this star.”

The one he had discovered sixteen years ago.

Nikara swallowed. “Mordekai, it’s been too long. No one believes the prophecy anymore.”

“Well maybe they should.”

Her lips pressed together in a tight grimace as she looked out into the inky blackness. “Do we tell—?”

“No. No, we mustn’t. He forbade talk of the prophecy years ago; we must keep this to ourselves.”

His face scrunched in thought as he turned his gaze to the far borderlands.


The tremor in her voice was hard to miss, and he felt a touch of guilt as he turned to her. “Pack your things, child. It’s time to leave Mezrah.”


Unknown is a book about a Oron, a God of Light who destroyed darkness, but was destroyed himself.  Whispers of a prophesy have been building until a new star is discovered in the night sky by Mordekai and a new adventure begins.

I love the characters in this story, their flaws are so completely human and normal, the twists and turns are fast moving and head turning.  There are some great characters in there, from Mordekai, the wise man, to Kyla the princess, Asthra, the fiance and the elements themselves.  I can’t wait to see more of the others in this series.

For a fantasy, it is easy to read, no heavy description, no long winded explanations, it is a story that flows quickly and ends way too suddenly.  Can’t wait for Unseen to come out.

The exciting thing is, this book is being released today!  So you can get your hands on a copy over at Amazon and Smashwords

Skin Deep – T G Ayer

Publisher T G Ayer Books ISBN: 1484836707

Skin DeepPanther Shape-shifter Kailin Odel just wants to be normal. Leaving her clan, and her Alpha responsibilities, to live with her grandmother in Chicago had been the best thing for her. Only then did she discover her ability to track and kill the soul sucking undead creatures called Wraiths. Now she protects the humans, and has something to be proud of. But, when she discovers the body of a murdered shape shifter, Kailin has to come to terms with the reality that her own kind are just as vulnerable as the humans.  

Enter Logan Westin, an agent that investigates the strange and unusual; a cop and a Human…. Can Kailin ignore the attraction between them, can she keep him at arms length before he finds out exactly what she is? 
The closer Kailin gets to the killer the more she has to face the intricacies of her people. When the time comes can she accept who and what her real purpose is? And can she finally allow herself to trust Logan?

Skin Deep is the newest offering from T G Ayer, one of my favourite NZ authors.  Kailin is a shape-shifter, and she kills wraiths, something that her family doesn’t know, and if they did… her life wouldn’t be worth living.

Kailin is a strong person, who ends up in all sorts of trouble after she discovers the body of a fellow shape-shifter – he has been murdered, and the murderer’s know that she has seen the body.

Not only has she got the murderer’s after her, but she also has to deal with a missing sister, and an Uncle who is estranged from the family, and then there is her mother…

Logan has his own skills, he is able to burn things.  His attraction to Kailin grows stronger with every interaction he has, yet neither of them can explain why.  It isn’t until Kailin is kidnapped by her Uncle that puzzle pieces start falling into place.